Hurricane is a natural weather phenomenon that occurs in water and effects the land as well. The National Hurricane Center monitors the storms and issues appropriate warnings. Violent storms occur near equator over warm waters above 80 degree Fahrenheit or more. A combination of wind speed, warm water, and continous evaporation and condensation form thick clouds over the oceans. The clouds can be as high as 9 miles and upto 500 miles width. The heavy clouds with great speeds continue to move until they hit the lands with force. Hurricanes do weaken once they hit the lands but are capable of producing catastrophic damage to the land.
The tropical storms are given a name once they reach a speed of 39 miles per hour and are called hurricanes once they reach 74 miles per hour. Hurricanes are categorized from 1 to 5 based on the wind speeds ranging from 74 mph to 157 mph or higher.
Hurricane Categories: Source - Scijinks
The national and local weather centers issue warnings and emergency evacuation notices well ahead of the hurricanes. The hurricanes are analyzed in real time via satellite information and scientists are able to predict the speed, time, and range of the hurricanes.
High winds, flooding, fires, explosion, flying debris, heavy rains, and so on are common during hurricanes. Other water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and resorvoirs overflow during the hurricanes causing more flooding.
Residents are required to evacuate and take shelter after the hurricane warnings have been issued. Carrying emergency supplies and medicines is recommended. Since a person's life is the most valuable asset, an individual must secure themselves and family members during hurricanes. Evacuation is easier before the flooding starts as the roads may not be accessible or safe after the hurricane makes the landfall.
Local authorities advise the residents of the nearest shelters and locations. Boats and airlifting may be used to evacuate people stuck or who are unable to move out by themselves such as senior citizens or disabled. Calling the 911 would be the first step to seek help during the hurricanes. Having important information such as SSN, bank accounts, address, vehicle, and insurance details is essential. Authorities are advising people to charge their mobile devices for instant communication. Having hand crank radios is also useful. Flood proofing the properties well ahead of the hurricane and stocking up on the essentials such as bottled water and food items is suggested.
Shelters for pets and indivduals can be found in local communities. Some FEMA Evacuation hotels let the pets stay for an extra fees per day. Authorities may send seperate rescue teams for getting the pets in to the shelters. Communities from other parts of the country are willing to adapt the pets who are rescued from the hurricanes. Volunteers are encouraged to step up to the rescue of neighbors and pets during the hurricanes. Individuals with boats and other facilities can help out others by staying safe.
Federal assisstance is available for disaster victims in different categories. Businesses and individuals can get the disaster relief based on their situations.
Red Cross has the largest hurricane relief efforts where people can come together for helping out others. Find an open shelter and check the local partner sites available. Local churches and other religious institutions open up as emergency shelters. Schools and other public properties may also accommodate people depending up on the space available.
My Hurricane Help is extended in terms of mortgage and other harvey assistance. You must notify the mortgage companies, loans, and utility companies of your situation as soon as possible. They might guide you to the necessary paperwork and extended timelines for paying those bills. Flooded cars must be discarded appropriately as they cannot be operated any more. Flooded properties can be restored if dried immediately and making other modifications. Damage assessment is being made by the insurance companies using drones and claims are processed accordingly.
Disaster survivors can get federal mortgage assistance through different programs. Watch out for the alerts for the effected counties and fill out the paperwork with documentation. Automobile owners can get financial relief and deals in the hurricane areas. Nationally operating large insurance companies are able to process the claims faster. However, locally operating small insurance providers are unable to raise enough funds to process the millions of automobile insurance claims.
Assistance for emotional and physical health is available from federal, local, and state agencies. Different types of emergency services are available for people during the hurricanes. People relying on oxygen, dialysis, or home health care services can approach the health toll free numbers and get help.
Hospitals open up for emergency care and special camps are being set up at the shelters for helping out hurricane survivors. A committed network of health care providers serve the people to save lives. Veterinary care centers also open up for the pets and treatment.
Volunteers and health care specialists travel from around the country to the effected areas to serve the hurricane survivors.
Getting hurricane jobs is a key challenge for hurricane workers. Seeking for work at the time of severe financial, property, and emotional loss is painful. However, workers must realize that businesses need the people to get back to work as soon as possible to regain the business. Home improvement and auto industries see enormous jobs after hurricanes. Cleaning jobs, farming, department stores, and all businesses do need committed workers after hurricanes.
My Hurricane Help for hurricane survivors is available from the government agencies in terms of career development, education, training, grants, scholarships, fellowships, and so on. Workers are encouraged to avail the assistance available and get back to normal lifes after hurricanes.
Hurricanes take huge effect on the economy of the region and the country as well. Resilience and hard work of all involved will definitely assist in getting My Hurricane Help.
Networking during emergencies and use of social media is crucial for My Hurricane Help. Private groups do offer some assistance and help which everyone may not be aware of. Talking to the neighbors, friends, and family will help to know the different ways of getting help.
Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are the major sources of information for getting My Hurricane Help. If you are in distress, you could post the pictures or escape routes via the social media. All the government agencies are releasing information about the assistance available on the social media. Major mortgage and auto loan companies post updates about the claims and assistance available on the social media. Online television news channels and online news papers are also a great source of information for My Hurricane Help.
Mobile applications can be downloaded on the smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets. These apps are useful to find the nearest shelters, pet shelters, medical camps, and so on. Free WiFi at some shelters can be used to connect to the applications. Staying connected with other hurricane survivors is the key to get help.